
Howard University, Miner Hall

Historic Preservation Meets Innovation

Mar 7, 2024

At JBA, we're proud to have been selected by the construction firm MCN Build to play a crucial role in the restoration of Howard University's historic Myrtilla Miner Building. Our expert team utilized cutting-edge scanning technologies to capture the building's intricate details, providing an accurate foundation for the renovation process.

The Importance of Accurate Scanning

When it comes to historic restoration projects, accuracy is paramount. By using state-of-the-art scanning technologies, JBA was able to:

  • Capture precise measurements and details of the building's structure

  • Create a detailed 3D model of the Myrtilla Miner Building

  • Provide MCN Build with the necessary data to plan and execute the restoration effectively

Our team's expertise and efficiency in scanning allowed the construction firm to begin their renovation endeavors with confidence, knowing that they had an accurate representation of the building's current state.

Preserving a Piece of History

The Myrtilla Miner Building holds significant historical value for Howard University and the surrounding community. By contributing to its restoration, JBA is helping to:

  • Preserve an important piece of the university's architectural heritage

  • Ensure that future generations can appreciate and learn from this historic structure

  • Support Howard University's ongoing efforts to maintain its campus's unique character

We are honored to have been entrusted with this responsibility and are committed to delivering the highest quality scanning services to aid in the building's restoration.

Combining Technology and Expertise

At JBA, we understand that successful historic restoration projects require a combination of advanced technology and human expertise. Our team's knowledge and experience, coupled with the latest scanning tools, enable us to:

  • Efficiently capture even the most intricate building details

  • Process and analyze the collected data to create accurate 3D models

  • Provide our clients with the information they need to make informed decisions throughout the restoration process

We are continually investing in the latest technologies and training to ensure that we can deliver the best possible results for our clients.

As the restoration of Howard University's Myrtilla Miner Building progresses, JBA is proud to have contributed to the preservation of this historic gem. We look forward to seeing the building restored to its former glory and continuing to support similar projects that protect our architectural heritage.